
The adsorption of cytochrome c (cyt c) to a silica surface has been studied by use of evanescent wave broadband cavityenhanced absorption spectroscopy (EW-BBCEAS). Visible radiation from a supercontinuum source is coupled into an optical cavity consisting of a pair of broadband high reflectivity mirrors, and a total internal reflection (TIR) event at the prism/water interface. Aqueous solutions of cyt c are placed onto the TIR footprint on the prism surface and the subsequent protein adsorption is probed by the resulting evanescent wave. The time integrated cavity output is directed into a spectrometer, where it is dispersed and analysed. The high spectral brilliance of the SC affords a baseline noise comparable to evanescent wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy (EW-CRDS), and the broadband nature of the source allows observation of a wide spectral range (ca 250 nm in the visible). The system is calibrated by measuring the absorption spectra of dyes of a known absorbance. Absorption spectra of cyt c are obtained for both S and P polarized radiation, allowing information about the orientation of the adsorbed protein to be extracted.

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