
Introduction: The advent of precision medicine, including molecular testing (MT), has revolutionized the cancer care landscape and may provide a path forward in the sustainability of cancer care. Methods: Americas Health Foundation (AHF) identified a panel of seven experts in MT with backgrounds in clinical oncology, molecular pathology, and bioethics from Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia. They convened for a three-day virtual meeting on November 10-12, 2021, to discuss the need for widespread access and adoption of MT for solid tumors in Latin America (LA). Results: The authors identified challenges in MT access in molecular medicine (MM) in LA and proposed suggestions to manage them. Development and implementation of human talent, infrastructure, and policy strategies are essential to provide MT in LA. This review outlines the substantial challenges faced by countries in LA to the widespread adoption of MT in oncology and provides recommendations on overcoming them. Conclusions: Despite the many advantages of MT for solid tumors, the challenges for implementation in LA healthcare systems are sizable and multidimensional. These include regional deficiencies in trained teams, fragmented healthcare systems, and inefficiently distributed budget allocations.

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