
The adoption of emerging IT in organizations often involves dealing with high levels of uncertainty. In response to this challenge, we propose a framework that combines affordances theory and the resource orchestration process to explain the steps that organizations take to actualize the affordances of emerging IT. Our framework is supported by empirical data gathered from three case studies involving organizations that implemented big data analytics (BDA). We introduce a novel phase in the affordances process called affordances preparation. This phase occurs between affordances perception and affordances actualization and explains how organizations bridge the gap between their existing capabilities and resources and those required to use emerging IT, such as BDA. During this preparation stage, the organizations studied engaged in orchestration processes that combined external and internal resources and technologies, creating autonomous organizational structures to implement BDA. Additionally, these organizations invested in training, consulting, and outsourcing, embracing new development methods within multidisciplinary teams with user involvement. These actions resulted in the cultural changes necessary for fostering a data-driven culture in these organizations.

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