
Adolescents with disabilities often face not only the psychophysiological consequences of the presence of physical deficiency but also problems with integration into the school group or in society, in general. The present paper summarizes the conclusions of some researches from abroad as well as the author’s regarding the integration of young people with physical deficiencies and proposes a series of intervention methods in order to facilitate this process. Educators are the ones who have an important role to play in changing the negative perception of the deficient person and a better understanding of the concept of deficiency as well. Attitudes of rejection and marginalization are the consequences of social conditions induced by culture, language, history, mass media, etc. All of this can be changed by cultivating counter-values as empathy, acceptance of diversity, tolerance, respect and responsibility. A modern society has to be characterized by humanism, understanding of the other that is different, empathy towards suffering, tolerance and support for those with a deficiency. Our paper is an invitation for educators and social workers to be mindful of changing the negative attitude of young people towards those with disabilities.

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