
Physical deficiency represents any deviation from normal in the form and physiological functions of the body, which disturbs the normal growth and harmonious development of the body, changes its external appearance, reduces its physical and even intellectual abilities, as well as the ability to work. These deviations from normal can change the shape of the body and its physical functions completely or only at the level of some segments and regions. The most common conditions encountered in primary school students are platypodia, lordotic back, kyphotic back and scoliosis. Every year, the number of children with attitude deficiencies is constantly increasing, having a negative effect on the general state of health. Kinetoprophylaxis is considered as part of medical kinesiology and constitutes an axiom in medical sciences. Kinetic therapy and kinetoprophylaxis are based on own means and working means from physical education. That's why an important role in physical education is the directing of the child's growth process, in the formation of a healthy body. Particular attention is paid to physical qualities, aiming at: the development of the body's physiological capacity, the harmonious physical development of the child, the development of motor skills, the formation of hygienic and sanitary skills, the correction of physical deficiencies, that is, the aim is to optimize the biological development of the human being. Physical exercise is a means of working in kinetoprophylaxis.

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