
Offenses in the tax field, which is one of the most important torts of a financial nature, to counter which the state directs effective countermeasures.
 The main place in the system of financial support for the functioning of the state is given to tax legal relations, which mediate the movement of funds for the implementation of state tasks in order to satisfy general public interests. Today, most spheres of public life are financed at the expense of state resources, received mainly from taxpayers in the form of taxes and fees.
 Understanding the content of the wording "tax sphere" becomes possible as a result of the analysis of the definition of the sphere of legal influence of the Tax Code of Ukraine, which regulates relations related to the payment of taxes, fees, and their administration, determines the peculiarities of the legal status of taxpayers and fees, their legal opportunities, in particular rights, duties, competence of subjects of tax administration, fees, control bodies, regulates the procedure of responsibility for violation of tax legislation.
 Therefore, when we talk about the prevention of offenses in the tax sphere, we mean offenses related to the collection and administration of the payment of taxes and fees, violation of the procedure for the implementation of the rights of taxpayers and fees, rights, duties, competences of control bodies and subjects of the administration of taxes and fees, other violation of tax legislation.
 In the Tax Code of Ukraine, the legislator outlined the content of tax offenses, which should be understood as illegal actions committed by taxpayers, tax agents, their officials and officials of control bodies, which lead to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of tax legislation, the control of which is entrusted to regulatory authorities. At the same time, the possibility of applying financial, administrative and criminal liability for tax offenses is determined.
 Preventive and preventive influence is achieved by guaranteeing a balance between the legal possibilities and interests of taxpayers and the stability of the budget system, the competence of tax and other control bodies, and the possibility of satisfying the interests of the state and society in general. This is an important key to the functioning of the fiscal system. It is this balance that determines the content of restrictions on taxpayers in order to guarantee the state's performance of its main functions.

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