
In the article, from the point of view of the modern theory of administrative law, administrative proceedings considered as a way of ensuring public order. The methodological basis of the article consists of a systematic approach and a system-functional analysis. The category «public order» considered. Attention drawn to the lack of a single theoretical approach to defining the concept of «public order» in administrative law. The problematic aspects of the category «public order» are considered, the legislation and judicial practice are examined, which allow us to conclude that there is no unified understanding and theoretical approach to the definition of the concept of “public order” in administrative law. It proposed to understand public order as an administrative-legal institution that ensures the supremacy of the law in the sphere of management. Public order is a complex construction of law, the content of which is important, as it allows identifying the sphere of administrative activity of the state in public management, to separate administrative activity from judicial activity in the context of administrative justice. It indicated that general local and administrative courts and the system of commercial courts carry out administrative proceedings within the current judicial system. According to the current legislation, disputes related to the administrative responsibility of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs handled in the commercial court. Administrative proceedings in commercial courts is a field of judicial activity introduced as a means of judicial control in the field of public legal relations, but the specified activity must be conducted within the scope of administrative proceedings. Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses are assigned by the legislator to the competence of executive (public) authorities, occupy a separate place in the sphere of public administration, are not a function of the judiciary from the point of view of the current legislation of Ukraine and scientific views on administrative and jurisdictional activity that take place in scientific circles countries of the European Union.

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