
Introduction. Among the entities for which the prevention of illegal acts as the main task is implemented in many cases precisely by means of interaction with other entities - the territorial community, law enforcement agencies, local public authorities, the units of preventive activities of the National Police of Ukraine are singled out. Which, in turn, actualizes the issue of proper administrative and legal consolidation of the interaction of units of preventive activity with other subjects of crime prevention. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the administrative and legal support for the interaction of preventive activity units of the National Police with other subjects of crime prevention, as well as to distinguish groups of norms in it. The results. Administrative and legal support for the interaction of preventive activity units of the National Police with other subjects of crime prevention includes both the norms of the laws of Ukraine and the prescriptions of subordinate legal acts. At the same time, the legislative norms are of a general nature (indicate the need for police units to interact with other entities in crime prevention) or determine only certain aspects of interaction. Sub-legal normative legal acts, which also include various crime prevention programs, approved by decisions, orders or other legal acts of local public authorities, although, like laws, contain general norms regarding the fundamental importance of interaction, they also contain normatively established forms, measures, organizational aspects of the interaction of units of preventive police activity with other subjects of crime prevention. Conclusions. The expediency of dividing the norms that make up the administrative and legal support for the interaction of units of preventive police activity with other subjects of crime prevention is substantiated not only by their legal force, but also into norms that are aimed at establishing the meaning and general principles of such interaction, and norms that which directly regulate the legal mechanisms of interaction of units of preventive police activity with other subjects of tort prevention.

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