
The article is aimed at justifying the model, summarizing the principles and setting out the main directions for improving the legal basis of control in the field of banking activity. The methodological basis of the research was modern general and special methods of scientific knowledge, the systematic application of which ensured the solution of the formulated problems and the achievement of the goal of publication. Thanks to the use of the dialectical method, the general characteristics of the administrative and legal support for the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities, etc., are given. With the help of the system-structural method, the system of relevant legal norms regulating the specified group of social relations is outlined. The formal legal method made it possible to identify controversial aspects and shortcomings of the current national legislation and to formulate proposals for its improvement. The dogmatic method was applied when defining the content of such categories and concepts as "administrative and legal support", "protection", "protection". The structure and content of the legal basis for ensuring the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities are considered. The article highlights the issue of disclosure of normative legal acts on the protection of the rights of individuals using the example of children with disabilities. The demarcation of the definition of the terms "administrative and legal support" is revealed in detail; "protection"; "protection", a legal description of these categories is provided in order to determine the essence of administrative and legal support for the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. It was established that the state should promote the realization of mental, educational, professional, and physical abilities of children with disabilities, ensuring their individual mobility, accessibility to all institutions and institutions. However, as the analysis of the actual state of affairs shows, violations of the rights of children with disabilities continue in Ukraine. The current norms of legislative acts regarding their protection do not work in practice. This leads to the fact that these subjects of administrative legal relations have to independently defend their rights and interests in administrative or judicial proceedings. The Institute of Administrative-Legal Protection of the Rights of Children with Disabilities remains a purely declarative component of administrative law due to the lack of unity in the understanding of the definitions of "protection" and "protection". Type of article: theoretical.

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