
It is proposed that binding of oral streptococci to saliva-coated hydroxylapatite (SHA) surfaces is a multifactorial process involving both specific and nonspecific receptors. In this context, specific binding is described as a high-affinity, saturable interaction between the cell and binding surface. Conversely, nonspecific binding is considered to be a nonsaturable, generalized, low-affinity reaction. Experimental differentiation of specific binding from nonspecific binding was achieved with a competition assay which utilized a large excess of nonradiolabeled bacteria to compete with the 3H-labeled cells for attachment to receptors on 1.5 mg of SHA crystals. Competition assays of Streptococcus sanguis and Streptococcus mitis adhesion clearly demonstrated that the total binding isotherm was composed of a saturable specific binding reaction and a minor nonspecific binding component. This was further substantiated by analysis of nonlinear Scatchard plots of the total binding data. The competition data for Streptococcus mutans binding indicated that ca. 50% of the S. mutans binding appeared to be specific, although saturation of the SHA surfaces with bacterial cells could not be demonstrated. Experiments measuring desorption of radiolabeled cells from SHA crystals into buffer showed that ca. 50% of the bound S. mutans cells were removed after 4 h, whereas less than 5% of the S. sanguis cells were eluted from the SHA surfaces. The kinetics of attachment were studied by using an extract of Persea americana as a noncompetitive inhibitor of adherence. The total cell binding data for these experiments suggested a very rapid binding reaction followed by a slower rate of attachment. It was concluded from these three different experimental approaches that adherence of selected oral streptococci to SHA surfaces involves specific, high-affinity and nonspecific, low-affinity binding reactions. The concept is developed that in vitro streptococcal attachment to SHA can be described as a two-reaction process in which the low-affinity interaction of the cell with the SHA surface precedes the establishment of the stronger, specific bonds needed for the maintenance of streptococci in the oral cavity.

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