
Abstract Until recently, monthly rainfall products using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Office of Research and Applications Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) rainfall algorithm have been generated on a global 2.5° × 2.5° grid. The rainfall estimates are based on a subsampled set of the full-resolution SSM/I data, with a resulting spatial density of about one-third of what is possible at SSM/I’s highest spatial resolution. The reduction in the spatial resolution was introduced in 1992 as a compromise dictated by data processing capabilities. Currently, daily SSM/I data processing at full resolution has been established and is being operated in parallel with the subsampled set. Reprocessing of the entire SSM/I time series based on the full-resolution data is plausible but requires the reprocessing of over 10 yr of retrospective data. Because the Global Precipitation Climatology Project is considering the generation of a daily 1° × 1° rainfall product, it is important that the effects of using the reduced spatial resolution be reexamined. In this study, error due to using the reduced-resolution versus the full-resolution SSM/I data in the gridded products at 2.5° and 1° grid sizes is examined. The estimates are based on statistics from radar-derived rain data and from SSM/I data taken over the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) radar site. SSM/I data at full resolution were assumed to provide rain estimates with 12.5-km spacing. Subsampling with spacings of 25, 37.5 (which corresponds to the present situation of ⅓° latitude–longitude spatial resolution), and 50 km were considered. For the instantaneous 2.5° × 2.5° product, the error due to subsampling, expressed as a percentage of the gridbox mean, was estimated using radar-derived data and was 6%, 10%, and 15% at these successively poorer sampling densities. For monthly averaged products on a 2.5° × 2.5° grid, it was substantially lower: 3%, 4%, and 7%, respectively. Subsampling errors for monthly averages on a 1° × 1° grid were 8%, 16%, and 23%, respectively. Estimates based on SSM/I data at full resolution gave errors that were somewhat larger than those from radar-based estimates. It was concluded that a rain product of monthly averages on a 1° × 1° grid must use the full-resolution SSM/I data. More work is needed to determine how applicable these estimates are to other areas of the globe with substantially different rain statistics.

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