
This study is based on the material of darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae) collected from different localities of Turkey between 1966 and 2020 and deposited in Biodiversity Science Museum, Atatürk University (Erzurum, Turkey). In total, 80 species and subspecies of the family Tenebrionidae were listed. The following five species are recorded for Turkey for the first time: Cyphostethe (Cyphostethoides) semenovi Bogatchev, 1947, Zophosis (Septentriophosis) rugosa Faldermann, 1837, Penthicus (Discotus) dilectans (Faldermann, 1836), Penthicus (s. str.) rufescens rufescens (Mulsant et Rey, 1859) and Scleropatroides hirtulus (Baudi di Selve, 1876). In addition, new localities have been indicated for many species and subspecies, which have already been reported from Turkey. The new synonymy is proposed: Blaps tibialis Reiche & Saulcy, 1857 = Blaps ecaudata Seidlitz, 1893, syn. nov. The invasive population of the Mediterranean species Euboeus mimonti Boieldieu, 1865 was found in Erzurum but the species has not naturalised in Eastern Anatolia.

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