
ADDENDA TO "TENNESSEE WILLIAMS: A SELECTED BffiLIOGRAPHY"° I. PERIODICALS A. General ANToNINI, GIACOMO, "Assillo ed artifizio in Tennessee Williams," Fiera Letteraria, XIII (June 29, 1958). .A.ssE:LlNEAu, ROOER, "Tennessee Williams ou la Nostalgie de la Purete," '£tudes Anglaises, X (Octobre-Decembre, 1957), 431-443. BllINEY, EARLE, "North American Drama Today: A Popular Art?" Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, LI, Series iii, Section 2 (June, 1957), 31-42. BROOKS, CHARLES, "The Comic Tennessee Williams," Quarterly Journal of Speech, XLIV (October, 1958), 275-281. CALLAHAN, EDWARD F., "Tennessee Williams' Two Worlds," North Dakota Quarterly, XXV (1957),61-67. DoWNER, ALAN S., "Mr. Williams and Mr. Miller," Furioso, IV (Summer , 1949), 66-70. FALK, SIGN!, "The Profitable World of Tennessee Williams," Modern Drama, I (December, 1958), 172-180. GUCKSBERG, CHARLES I., "Depersonalization in the Modern Drama," Personalist, XXXIX (Spring, 1958),158-169. GREEN, WILLIAM, "Significant Trends in the Modern American Theatre," Manchester Review, VIII (1957), 65-78. HALL, PETER, ''Tennessee Williams: Notes on the Moralist," Encore, IV (September-October, 1957), 16-19. HIGHET, GILBERT, "A MEMORANDUM; From: Lucius Annaeus Seneca; To: Tennessee Williams; Subject: Horror," Horizon, I (May, 1959), 54-55. IsAAC, D. B., "In Defense of Tennessee Williams," Religious Education, LIII (September, 1958), 452-453. JOSEPHSON, LENNABT, "Tennessee Williams dramatik," Bonniers Litterara Magasin, XVIII (March, 1949), 207-211. KEsTING, MARIANNE, "Tennessee Williams," Hochland, L (December, 1957),171-174. LEwIs, THEOPHILUS, "Freud and the Split-Level Drama," Catholic World, CLXXXVII (May, 1958),98-103. • NadfDe Doay, Modem DrG-. December, 1958. 220 1959 ADDENDA TO "TENNESSEE WILLIAMS: 221 MILLER, .ARTHUR, as interviewed by Phillip Gelb, "Morality and Modem Drama," Educational Theatre Journal, X (October, 1958), 190202 . PONTE, DURANT DA, "Tennessee's Tennessee Williams," University of Tennessee Studies in the Humanities, I (1956),11-17. REID, DESMOND, "Tennessee Williams," Studies (Dublin), XLVI (1957),431-446. ROTH, ROBERT, "Tennessee Williams in Search of a Form," Chicago Review, IX (Summer, 1955), 86-94. STAVROU, C. N., ''The Neurotic Heroine in Tennessee Williams," Literature and Psychology, V (1955), 26-34. "Talk With the Playwright," Newsweek, LIII (March 23,1959),75-76. TAYLOR, HARRY, ''The Dilemma of Tennessee Williams," Masses & Mainstream, I (April, 1948),51-56. TYNAN, KENNETH, "American Blues: The Plays of Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams," Encounter (London), II (May, 1954),1319 . VOWLES, RICHARD B., "Tennessee Williams and Strindberg," Modern Drama, I (December, 1958), 166-171. VOWLES, RICHARD B., "Tennessee Williams: The World of His Imagery," Tulane Drama Review, III (December, 1958),51-56. B. Plays Camino Real. GLICKSBERG, CHARLES 1., "The Modem Playwright and the Absolute," Queen's Quarterly, LXV (Autumn, 1958),459-471. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. DOWNING, ROBERT, "From the Cat-Bird Seat: The Production Stage Manager's Notes on Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," Theatre Arts, XIV (January, 1956),46-50. LEMARCHAND, JACQUES, "Theatre americain aParis," Nouvelle Nouvelle Revue Franyaise, V (February, 1957), 312-316. MILLER, .ARTHUR, "The Shadows of the Gods: A Critical View of the American Theater," Harper's Magazine, CCXVII (August, 1958),41-43. YARNGH, VERNON, "Social Drama and Big Daddy," Southwest Review, XLI (Spring, 1956), 194-197. Orpheus Descending. WATTS, RICHARD, "'Orpheus' Ascending," Theatre Arts, XLII (September , 1958),25-26. A Perfect AnalysiB Gioon by a Parrot. WILLIAMS, TENNESSEE, "A Perfect Analysis Given by a Parrot" (short play intended for television), Esquire. L (October, 1958). 131134 . A Streetcar Named Derire. BRUSTEIN. ROBERT. "America's New Culture Hero: Feelings Without Words." Commentary. XXV (February. 1958). 123-129. KERNAN. ALVIN B.• "Truth and Dramatic Mode in the Modem Theater: Chekhov. Pirandello, and Williams." Modem Drama, 1 (September , 1958), 101-11~ Sweet Bird uf Youth. BRuSTEIN, ROBERT. "Williams' Nebulous Nightmare," Hudson Review, XII (Summer, 1959),255-260. GASSNER, JOHN, "Broadway in Review," Educational Theatre lourna~ XI (May, 1959), 122-124. C. Novels The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone. GERARD, ALBERT, "The Eagle and the Star, Symbolic Motifs in The Roman Spring uf Mrs. Stone," English Studies, XXXVI (August, 1955),145-153. II. BOOKS A. General CLURMAN.llARoLD. Lies Like Truth. New York: Macmillan Company. 1958. pp. 72-86 and passim. DoWNER, ALAN S.• Fifty Years uf American Drama, 1900-1950. Chicago : Henry Regnery Company. 1951. pp. 102-105. 145-147. GASSNER, JOHN. Form and Idea in...

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