
Previous reports showed a reduction in hematopoietic death in mice exposed to a high (challenge) radiation dose if exposed two weeks prior with a relatively small (priming) radiation dose (0.3-0.5Gy). This in vivo acquisition of radioresistance, known as "adaptive response" or the "Yonezawa effect," was shown in the experiments performed using high dose-rates (HDR) for priming. In the present study, we used low (LDR) and medium dose-rates (MDR) of radiation for priming in male C57BL mice. A total dose of 0.45-0.46Gy (LDR, 20mGy/day×23days or MDR, 18mGy/hour×25hours) was used for priming, and was followed by challenge exposure 12days later at an HDR (0.8Gy/min) to a total dose of 6.75Gy. Increased survival rates were observed in mice exposed to priming radiation delivered at LDR or MDR, suggesting that the adaptive responses induced are comparable with those induced at HDR.

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