
Abstract: The Indian metropolises are going through delicate times, feeding the burgeoning demands of society, frugality and the terrain. The current practice of direct product- in which commodity is produced, used and discarded is no longer doable for a sustainable future. The new way of allowing emphasizes the recycling, reusing and reducing consumption of what have formerly been produced. In simple words, adaptive play is the process of changing an ineffective or rejected item into a useful reality with a different purpose. conforming being structures and spots to realize contemporary conditions is the most practical option than obliteration or relief, therefore upgrading the socio- profitable and environmental status of the position, with giving it a new life. incontrovertibly, re-using an being structure becomes more responsive to prevailing climatic changes and global warming issues by drastically reducing the energy destruction and consumption involved in erecting new structures. Accordingly, adaptive play could be elevated to a new status rather than looking at it as just a strategy for conservation of heritage structures. numerous metropolises in Australia, Europe and USA are laboriously encouraging adaptive play as a strategy towards sustainable carbon-neutral metropolises. Keeping all these factors in mind, designing our unborn structures with essential adaptive play eventuality would be a clever approach towards making our metropolises more sustainable. This paper aims at how efficiently we can determine the adaptivere-use eventuality of being structures by briefly explaining the Adaptive Play Implicit( ARP) model, along with exploring a strategy to assess the ARP of unborn structures.

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