This review paper explores the transformative potential of adaptive learning models in promoting educational equity. Adaptive learning systems leverage advanced algorithms and digital tools to provide personalized instruction tailored to individual student needs, enhancing academic outcomes and fostering greater engagement and confidence. The theoretical foundation of adaptive learning aligns with constructivist and socio-cultural theories, emphasizing the importance of personalized and differentiated instruction. Evidence suggests adaptive learning improves academic performance among diverse and underserved student populations. However, significant barriers to implementation persist, including technological, financial, and pedagogical challenges, as well as ethical considerations related to data privacy and algorithmic fairness. The paper highlights the implications of these findings for educational policy and classroom practice, advocating for equitable access to adaptive learning technologies and comprehensive professional development for educators. The evolution of adaptive learning, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, promises further educational equity and inclusivity advancements. Keywords: Adaptive Learning, Educational Equity, Personalized Instruction, Digital Tools
Published Version
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