
The single image dehazing is performed using atmospheric scattering model (ASM). The ASM is based on transmission and atmospheric light. Thus, accurate estimation of transmission is essential for quality single image dehazing. Single image dehazing is of prime focus in research nowadays. The proposed work presents a fast and accurate method for single image dehazing. The proposed method works in two folds; (i) An adaptive dehazing control factor is proposed to estimate accurate transmission, which is based on difference of maximum and minimum color channel of hazy image, and (ii) a mathematical model to compute probability of a pixel to be at short distance is presented, which is utilized to locate haziest region of the image to compute the value of atmospheric light. The proposed method obtains visually compelling results, and recovers the information content (such as structural similarity, color, and visibility) accurately. The computation speed and accuracy of the proposed method is proved using quantitative and qualitative comparison of results with state of the art dehazing methods.

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