
Within the context of the global economy, this research delves into the profound impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on the dynamics of debt payments. The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain technology is reshaping how nations approach debt settlements. This study investigates the transformation of international lending and borrowing practices as the 4IR continues to revolutionize trade among developing countries. Employing a comprehensive analysis spanning sixteen years, this paper combines quantitative data on 4IR adoption measures and economic indicators with a qualitative examination of prior research. The investigation explores a significant correlation between the 4IR and foreign debt payments. With the convergence of 4IR technologies, countries can bolster their production competitiveness, stimulate trade volume, and attract foreign investors. Nevertheless, this study also uncovers other aspects related to the 4IR. Rapid technological advancements have exacerbated existing debt inequalities, creating disparities between technologically advanced and less-developed countries.

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