
Unemployment can be considered as global challenge faced by almost all countries. However, further analysis by the Department of Statistics of Malaysia (DOSM) revealed a worrisome detail in which the rate of skill-related underemployment graduates continues to rise up recording 33.9 per cent in 2021 as compared to 31.2 per cent in 2020. Skill-related underemployment graduates is identified as occupation mismatch taking into consideration their educations, knowledge and skills were not fully utilised to their current work. Occupation mismatch may be worsened with the rapid growth of information and communication technology (ICT) and accounting graduates is no exception. Accounting profession is notified to also be highly at risk of being digitalised and automated in the near future. Accounting graduates with top academic credentials may still possibly failed to secure jobs because employers may view certificate and approval requirements are not enough. Instead, they require more incremental benefits such soft skills, communication skills, leaderships skills and ability to work in team. Importantly, students need to be aware of the employment needs and equipped themselves with skills beyond classroom learning before they finally graduated. To address this issue, this study will be carried out with the purpose to identify the important of accounting skills required for employment in accounting profession. A group of accounting students will be identified to participate this research. This research employs qualitative approach utilizing structured interviews which will be conducted through several medium of communication namely, phone calls and online questionnaires distributed through instant messaging application using Google form. The findings from this study are hoped to provide some suggestions of programs, activities, or new approaches on improving and enhancing accounting graduates’ skills that would transform them into highly marketable graduates.

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