
Foreword J. Seckbach Introduction N. Gunde-Cimerman, A. Oren, A. Plemenitas SECTION I. THE ENVIRONMENTS AND THEIR DIVERSITY Microbial diversity of Great Salt Lake B.K. Baxter, C.D. Litchfield, K. Sowers, J.D. Griffith, P.A. DasSarma S. DasSarma Microbial communitites in the Dead Sea - past, present and future A. Oren, I. Gavrieli, J. Gavrieli, M. Kohen, J. Lati, M. Aharoni Microscopic examination of microbial communitires along a salinity gradient in saltern evaporation poonds: a 'halophilic safari' A. Oren The microbial diversity of a solar saltern on San Francisco Bay C.D. Litchfield, M. Sikaroodi, P.M. Gillivet Diversity of microbial communities: the case of solar salterns C. Pedros-Alio Isolation of viable haloarchaea from ancient salt deposits and application of fluorescent stains for in situ detection of halophiles in hypersaline environmental samples and model fluid inclusions S. Leuko, A. Legat, S. Fendrihan, H. Wieland, C. Radax, C. Gruber, M. Pfaffenhuemer, G. Weidler, H. Stan-Lotter Hydrocarbon degredation under hypersaline conditions. Some facts, some experiments and many open questions H. Patzelt The relevance of halophiles and other extremophiles to Martian and extraterrestrial environments J. Seckbach Halophiles: a terrestrial analog for life in brines on Mars - Halophiles on Mars R.L. Mancinelli SECTION II. ARCHAEA Comparative genomic survey of information transfer systems in two diverse extremely halophilic Archaea, Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 and Haloarcula marismortui B.R. Berquist, J. Soneja, S. DasSarma Walsby's square archaeon it's hip to be square but even more hip to be culturable H. Bolhuis Gene regulation and the initiation of translation inhalophilic Archaea F. Pfeifer, P. Zimmermann, S. Scheuch, S. Sartorius-Neef Protein translation, targeting and translocation in Haloferax volcanii J. Eichler, G. Ring, V. Irihimovitch, T. Lichi, I. Tozik, Z. Konrad Enzymes of halophilic Archaea. Recent findings on ureases and nucleoside diphosphate kinases T. Mizuki, R. Usami, M. Kamo, M. Tanokura, M. Kamekura Osmoadaptation in methanogenci Archaea: recent insights from a genomic perspective K. Pfluger, H. Wieland, V. Muller SECTION III. BACTERIA Salinibacter ruber: genomics and biogeography J. Anton, A. Pena, M. Valens, F. Santos, F.-O. Glockner, M. Bauer, J. Dopazo, J. Herrero, R. Rossello-Mora, R. Amann What we can deduce about metabolism in the moderate halophile Chromohalobacter salexigens from its genomic sequence L.N. Csonka, K. O'Connor, F. Larimer, P. Richardson, A. Lapidus, A.D. Ewing, B.W. Goodner, A. Oren K+ transport and its role for osmoregulation in a halophilic memberof the Bacteria domain: characterization of the K+ uptake systems from Halomonas elongate H.-J. Kunte The chloride regulon of Halobacillus halophilus: a novel regulatory network for salt perception and signal transduction in bacteria V. Muller, S.H. Saum Biosynthesis of the compatible solute mannosylglycerate from hyperthermophiles to mesophiles. Genes, enzymes and evolutionary perspectives M.S. da Costa, N. Empadinhas Genes and enzymes of ectoine biosynthesis in the haloalkaliphilic obligate methanotroph 'Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum 20Z' A.S. Reshetnikov, V.N. Khmelenina, I.I. Mustakhimov, Y.V. Ryzhmanova, Y.A. Trotsenko Halophilic Archaea and Bacteria as a source of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes A. Ventosa, C. Sanchez-Porro, S. Martin, E.

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