The present study aims to adapt the Technoference in Parent-Child Relationships Scale (TPCRS) to Turkish culture by conducting validity and reliability analyses. The study group consists of the parents of 445 children between the ages of 3 and 6 attending preschool in the Denizli province. Expert opinions were consulted for the language validity and content validity of the measurement tool. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to ensure the construct validity of the scale. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, it was determined that the total variance explained was 40.89%, and the items were grouped under a single factor. The model fit indices obtained from the confirmatory factor analysis were calculated as x²/sd=1.828, RMSEA=.046, AGFI=.96, GFI=.97, CFI=.98, NFI=.96, and SRMR=.056. These values show that the scale gives acceptable and valid results. The Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient of the Technoference in Parent-Child Relationships Scale was found to be .72. For criterion-related validity, the correlations between the TPCRS's Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire and the Parental Attitudes Towards Technology Use Scale were analyzed. In addition, item-total and test-retest correlation coefficients were calculated at three-week intervals. The analyses for criterion-related validity and test-retest correlations provided sufficient evidence for the validity of the scale. It was observed that the item-total correlation values of the TPCRS ranged between .41 and .50. The results of the study show that the Technoference in Parent-Child Relationships Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool.
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