
Topicality.The digital economy, becoming more and more part of our daily lives, is changing many of the approaches to the organization and management of their work. Digital technologies and the sixth technological device in the coming decades will lead to a partial replacement of human labor by machines. As a result of digitalization, from 9 to 50% of all existing occupations may disappear in the next decade. By 2036,from 2 to 50% of work expressed in man-hours can be automated, and by 2066 this share can reach 46-99%. In the G20, according to the European Commission, the annual digital economy is estimated at 3.2 trillion euro and is about 8% of total GDP. Thus, today it is necessary to identify the characteristics of the adaptation of the labor market to the requirements of digitalization of the economy, taking into account world experience.Aim and tasks.The aim of the article is to identify the characteristics of the adaptation of the labor market to the requirements of digitalization of the economy on the basis of world experience.Research results.The article presents the main features of global socio-economic development in the XXI century under the influence of digitalization of the economy, namely: intensive development of technology and innovation, strengthening the importance of services; accelerated inclusion in the globalization process; transformation of labor relations in the conditions of changes in communication technologies and motivation of people's labor behavior in the context of "remote relations" between employees and their employers; the process of forming a flexible, virtual labor market in the context of digitalization. It is determined that the feature of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is digitalization, which in the labor market creates conditions for the reduction of additional jobs and intensification of the process of "compression" of those already formed. The main trends in the replacement of robotic hardware and software jobs in the United States and the European Union for the next 20 years based on estimates of international companies. The characteristics of changes in the structure of jobs in the labor market due to the introduction of such new technologies as: "Big data" - by industry, sector and area of activity; industrial Internet of Things - specialists in specialties; production automation and robotics; mobile internet, cloud technologies and digital platforms. The emergence of the creative class in the development of the digital economy is substantiated and given a description by analyzing the definitions of the concept of "Creative Class", the characteristics of the elements of its structure and performance. It is proved that due to digitalization the preconditions for the formation of a creative economy are created. Prospects for further research are identified.Conclusion. The presented results of the research are a certain basis of theoretical and methodological understanding of the basics of adaptive business process management in the digitalization of Ukraine's economy, because it is necessary to take into account changes in the relative structure of jobs under the influence of new technology.

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