Considering that the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic conditions are inseparable conditions for the counseling process, it is important to bring a scale to the Turkish literature to examine the interpersonal stress experienced by counselors during the counseling process. In this research, the scale adaptation process from one language to another language was carried out. In this context, validity and reliability studies were carried out in 4 different samples. As a result of the research, it was seen that there was a moderate and high-level significant relationship between the Turkish and English forms of the scale in all of the items. With this, it is seen that the four-dimensional structure (χ2/sd=2.881) was confirmed in the CFA results of the linguistic adaptation process in the validity and reliability study of ISSC. When the fit values of the ISSC are examined (RMSEA=.08, SRMR=.07, GFI=.89, and AGFI=.85), it is seen that the four-dimensional structure of the scale's CFA results is confirmed. Considering the item-total correlation of the ISSC, it is seen that the item-total scores vary between .237 and .634. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient calculated for the reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be .878, and the McDonald's ω coefficient was .874. When the test-retest results of the Turkish version of the scale were examined, it was concluded that the reliability value was r=.79 (p
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