
Today’s most important problem in terms of urban planning is rapidly diminishing urban green areas due to rapidly increasing housing. In urban planning, urban green space systems play an important role in meeting the recreational needs of people living in the city. Thus, within the urban green space system, urban parks contribute to the unification of disconnected biotopes in the urban green space system, the development of green corridor lines, and the sustainability of wildlife in the city as well as its benefits such as providing an aesthetic look, reducing noise, cleaning air, creating a microclimate, and reducing the pollution. In this study, “Adana Coastal Park Project” has been prepared for an urban green area in Yüreğir, Adana, which was reserved by Yüreğir Municipality and its function in Adana's urban green space system has been evaluated. In the evaluations, criteria such as activity, functions, materials used, aesthetic design principles, comfort, image, security, and maintenance have been taken into consideration.

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