Part 1: contemporary interpretations of Smith the approach to interpretation outline of the argument. Part 2 Theories of value and distribution: classical or surplus neoclassical analytical themes in the study of Smith. Part 3 Surplus: surplus and accumulation annual produce in the Wealth of Nations gross and net revenue a surplus theory of the non-wage share? Part 4 Competition: natural and the uniform rate of profit features of Smithian competition competition and of and the concept of a capitalist economic system. Part 5 The measure of value: Smith's labour command measure Smith's key assumptions the operation of the measure contrast with existing interpretations further evidence of Smith's intentions. Part 6 Value and distribution: the component parts of price distribution assessment taxes the corn export bounty observations on actual changes Appendix - Absence of reduction of means of to labour in Smith's work. Part 7 Ricardo's development of Smith's theory: the new of profits assumptions and their consequences the relation of wage changes to prices value and riches and demand. Part 8 Marx on Smith: Marx's two streams proposition? Smith as a surplus theorist the labour of value labour command the resolution of into wages, profit and rent assessment. Part 9 Smith as general equilibrium theorist: Hollander's argument in outline a supply and demand explanation of value distribution formal analysis and practical applications a theorist of resource allocation determined by factor endowments. Part 10 Smith as cost of production theorist: cost of interpretations Dobb's two streams proposition Ricardo's criticism of Smith's the cost of tradition Smith's contribution to surplus Dobb and Schumpeter - a clarification. Part 11 Smith and the surplus Smith and the neoclassical theory.
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