
Sudden onset of disturbed consciousness, neurocognitive deficits, and weakness of the proximal limbs are typical findings of a watershed stroke. Occurrence after an intense emotional experience and electrocardiogram changes are hints toward the rare cause of stroke of a takotsubo cardiomyopathy, even more if the stroke pattern is embolic.


  • Cardiac investigations revealed a pathological electrocardiogram with negative T waves in the area of the anterior wall (Figure 2), elevated cardiac biomarkers, large apical akinesia with basal hypercontractility in transthoracic echocardiography, and a normal coronary angiography, being consistent with takotsubo cardiomyopathy[1], which was triggered by intense positive emotions causing a rare stroke etiology

  • What is special about our reported patient is that the takotsubo cardiomyopathy occurred after an intense positive not negative emotion and caused an ischemic stroke of a hemodynamic pattern

  • Acute ischemic stroke after enjoying Top of Europe

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She went to the toilet, where, within minutes, she was detected lying on the floor, verbally responsive and cursorily oriented but somnolent and showing tetraplegia. The paramedics arriving at the scene suspected an acute stroke and flew her to our stroke center by air ambulance. Examination revealed a residual moderate right-­ sided proximal paresis and neglect as well as somnolence and apathy.

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