
This paper does not assume the pretension of being a complete discussion of this disease, and only a few of the most important points in the general discussion, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, etiology and treatment, are discussed. The statements here made are the result of a large clinical experience extending over a period of fourteen years' residence at Hot Springs, S. D., and in treating cases of acute articular rheumatism with the assistance of modern hydriatic procedure, latterly in an institution thoroughly under control, employing an alkaline thermal mineral water, and aided by climatologic and topographic conditions, embracing an altitude of 3,400 feet, an excessively dry. sunshiny climate, free from great sudden atmospheric change, some of which factors possibly operate in giving me an experience and ideas different from that of practitioners not so located. Acute articular rheumatism is an acute febrile affection, non-contagious, characterized by a nomadic multiple arthritis, profuse

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