
Relevance. The level of suicides, according to several authors, is one of the most significant indicators of mental health in society, including in the armies of the world.Intention. To analyze suicides and their existing prevention system in the Russian Federation population and Armed Forces in 2007–2018.Methodology. Mental disorders and behavioral disorders (F00–F99 by Chapter V, the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision) were analyzed according to 3/MED Form in the military units, where ≥ 80 % of the military personnel served. The longterm trends of the main statistical indicators of suicides and mental disorders among military personnel compared to the Russian population have been established.Results and Discussion.In 2007–2018, the level of suicides in the Russian Armed Forces was (12.00 ± 1.35) per 100 thousand military personnel and was 1.7 times lower than in the population of Russia (20.12 ± 1.56) per 100 thousand (p < 0.001). The level of suicides seems to decrease among the military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. When analyzing the longterm incidence of mental disorders and the level of suicides in the personnel of the Armed Forces of Russia, no significant correlation was found. At the same time, in a cohort of officers and ensigns, a statistically significant correlation was established between the level of suicides and the general incidence of the Chapter V diseases (r = 0.87; p < 0.01), including stressrelated neurotic and somatoform disorders (F40–F48; r = 0.72; p < 0.01), mental and behavioral disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances (F10–F19; r = 0.89; p < 0.001). In the military conscripts, there was a correlation between the level of suicides and general morbidity related to Chapter V diseases (r = 0.72; p < 0.05), including personality and behavior disorders in adulthood (F60–F69; r = 0.81; p < 0.01) and organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders (F00– F09; r = 0.76; p < 0.05). It was revealed that among the officers and military personnel under the contract, family and domestic causes of suicide prevailed in contrast to the draft servicemen. Meanwhile somatic and mental diseases as a predominant cause of suicide accounted for a relatively small proportion.Conclusion.Psychoprophylactic measures should be aimed at early detection of servicemen prone to suicidal behavior, effective assistance in resolving militaryprofessional difficulties and domestic problems, as well as at improving their adaptation to military service. Special attention should be paid to the early detection of people with addictive disorders, especially alcohol abusers.


  • The level of suicides seems to decrease among the military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces

  • There was a correlation between the level of suicides and general morbidity related to Chapter V diseases (r = 0.72; p < 0.05), including personality and behavior disorders in adulthood (F60–F69; r = 0.81; p < 0.01) and organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders (F00– F09; r = 0.76; p < 0.05)

  • It was revealed that among the officers and military personnel under the contract, family and domestic causes of suicide prevailed in contrast to the draft servicemen

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Введение оказывают значительное влияние на уровень

Уровень самоубийств является одним из суицидального риска [16], а резкое изме важных показателей психического здоровья нение привычных жизненных стереотипов в обществе [1, 5], в том числе и в Вооружен значительно его повышает [13], проблема ных силах Российской Федерации (ВС Рос суицидального поведения для военнослу сии) и зарубежных стран [3, 9, 13]. Среднегодовой уровень общей заболева емости психическими расстройствами воен емости психическими расстройствами и рас нослужащих ВС России и населения России стройствами поведения (V класс по МКБ‐10) при значимых коэффициентах детерминации в 2003–2016 гг. Уровень общей ность кривых уровня общей заболеваемости заболеваемости психическими расстройства военнослужащих ВС России и населения Рос ми офицеров и прапорщиков в 2007–2018 гг. 1. Структура общей заболеваемости (%, слева) и динамика уровня общей заболеваемости психическими расстройствами и расстройствами поведения военнослужащих ВС России и населения России в возрасте 18–59 лет (справа). Енно-профессиональные факторы, то можно и R2 = 0,95 соответственно) демонстрировали полагать, что в формировании общей забо уменьшение показателей, у военнослужащих леваемости психическими расстройствами по контракту при низком коэффициенте де населения России и военнослужащих ВС Рос терминации (R2 = 0,44) – напоминают U-кри сии в 2007–2018 гг. Сопряженность динамики суицидов динамики суицидов и общей заболеваемости у населения России и военнослужащих ВС психическими расстройствами личного соста. Actual problems of suicide prevention in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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