
In fulfillment of the State task, the protection of children is put first in the field of education, receiving free medical care, housing, etc. The task of protecting the rights of adolescents to social security is reflected in the guiding documents: the Declaration of the Rights of the Child[1] and the Convention on the Rights of the Child [2], also in the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child[3]. Difficulties in the process of protecting the rights of minors arise due to imperfections of legislation, gaps in law, contradictions of federal and regional legislation. In this regard, the processes of formation and development of the institute for the protection of children's rights in Russian law, the definition and expansion of opportunities for prosecutorial control over the performance of duties to protect the rights of adolescents are very important. These factors determined the choice of the topic and its relevance.The object of the study is the rights of minors to social security. The subject of the study is the role of the Prosecutor's Office in the implementation of the human rights function for the observance of the protection of the rights of minors.The purpose of the study is to study theoretical issues, as well as practical proposals for improving legislation, which are aimed at improving the work of the prosecutor's office to protect the rights of adolescents to social security. The methodological basis of the research is a set of general scientific and private scientific methods of knowledge, specifically: observation, comparison, study and synthesis, induction and deduction. The practical significance of the scientific work lies in the fact that the results of the study can be applied in the practice of prosecutors to protect the rights of adolescents, in law-making work to improve legislation that regulates the issues of prosecutorial control over the performance of duties to protect the rights of adolescents.

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