
The article presents a theoretical analysis of some modern problems of professional training of future workers in the social sphere for self-preservation in the period of martial law. According to the purpose of the research, the need to clarify and expand the meaning of the concept of "self-preservation", which is traditionally associated with a natural instinct, special behavior in stressful situations, has been identified. Manifestations of self-preservation of future workers in the social sphere are noted, including: self-knowledge, awareness of emotions, moods, feelings, self-acceptance; analysis and adequate assessment of one's condition; understanding of one's capabilities, abilities (mainly physical, intellectual, mental); self-control and stress resistance; self-motivation, overcoming internal barriers to achieve the goal; critical thinking in various situations, the ability to quickly find a way out, generate new ideas; predict emotional and professional burnout, as the need to preserve one's own mental health while performing official duties. Based on the analysis of domestic scientific psychological and pedagogical sources, the problem of the lack of targeted and substantiated research on the formation of self-preservation skills in future workers of the social sphere, which would take into account current events on the territory of Ukraine and the needs of citizens for help, support and protection, who suffered from military aggression, was revealed from the Russian Federation, were forced to evacuate to safe places, were subjected to mental and moral pressure. The article reveals the peculiarities of volunteering as a way of practical implementation of self-preservation of future specialists during the period of martial law. During the study, the need to modernize the existing system of professional training of future workers in the social sphere for self-preservation and work in martial law conditions was revealed. Modern educational and professional programs do not foresee the need for the formation of skills for self-preservation, do not contain special disciplines, and therefore cannot provide high-quality training of highly qualified specialists. In addition, it has been proven that the professional activity of future workers in the social sphere is closely related to health (physical, mental, social, spiritual), therefore, in the process of obtaining higher education, one should strive for awareness of the internal connections between health and self-preservation.

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