
Keywords: inventor activity, invention, inventions, intellectual property
 The article is sanctified to the debatable question of necessity orimpossibility of popularization of inventor activity. The review of concepts is done invention,inventor activity, inventor. Possibilities are considered as exactly the state musttake care to the questions of creation of necessary terms for maintenance and strengtheningof the intellectual potential, and also for the search of ways of him quality development.Foreign experience is analysed in the field of it. The special attention is spared toorganization of work of young people through competitive activity, that became important direction of public policy of the almost entire industrially developed countries. Successfulrealization of scientific and technical and innovative politics in Ukraine is impossiblewithout activation of creative individuality and invention, that it is directly relatedto development of both higher and professional education.Successful implementation of scientific, technical and innovation policy in Ukraine isimpossible without the activation of creative individuality and invention, which is directlyrelated to the development of both higher and professional education. The materialand technical base of many (especially technical) higher education institutions today isoutdated, in need of updating, as well as teaching methods. The system of branch institutesof advanced training has also been destroyed, enterprises do not have the funds forin-house training, the motivation for inventive activity has decreased.It is important to maintain a positive experience. The organization of youth creativitythrough competitive activities has become an important area of public policy in almostall industrialized countries. One of the main directions of the invention is the state programsfor the development of technical creativity of youth. Ministries and departments,corporations and firms take part in the implementation of such programs. The WIPOconducted a study aimed at generalizing progressive forms and methods of state stimulationof inventive activity in industrialized countries.The Ukraine, unlike industrialized countries, does not have such a long tradition inholding such competitions. But what has already been done is valuable to society. It remainsto multiply this experience.

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