
In article experience of Ukraine in statement of knowledge of intellectual property in the higher education system is traced. Approaches are investigated that were put by the governments of the country at different stages of reform of the higher education. The experience of national universities in the training of intellectual property professionals and the general knowledge of these issues are analyzed.The problems of providing the national economy with intellectual property experts are determined. It concerns as cancellation in the course of the last reform of the higher education of a possibility of the introduction of education on intellectual property within specific categories. The negative effects of the cancellation of intellectual property courses in higher education are also assessed. Such situation doesn’t contribute to the enhancement of creative and inventive activity, the ability to evaluate the own results in the perspective of their protection by the mechanisms of intellectual property. It is emphasized that enhancing the culture of respect for intellectual property rights and protection of intellectual property rights can be ensured in the process of obtaining general knowledge in this sphere.The author concludes that the development of an innovative society based on the support of the nation's intellectual capital presupposes a high level of training of experts of the different specialties and the directions involved in the innovation process at any of its stages, which should be promoted by the national education system.Gaining knowledge on intellectual property in higher education contributes with creative conditions for building a society that understands the value of their own achievements and the benefits that can be obtained through innovation and uses of the rights to results of own creativity. It will contribute to the activation of innovation and commercialization, professional provision of instrumental use the intellectual property rights as a targeted component of innovation policy, better ensure of protection of intellectual property rights.At the same time, acquiring intellectual property knowledge by students of various specialties, acquiring intellectual property competences in the higher education system will facilitate the integration of education with science and production with the aim to prepare competitive human capital for high-tech and innovative development of Ukraine, self-realization of the personality, ensuring requirements of society, labor market and the state in qualified professionals. It will also facilitate to the international integration and integration of Ukraine's higher education system into the European higher education space and the European research space. At the same time, the achievements and progressive traditions of the national higher education have to be maintained and develop. Such education should support the development of a creative style mentally among young people who are capable to create and solve complex interdisciplinary tasks, to respond effectively and in a timely manner to the existing public request.

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