
The subject of the study. In the conditions of the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine, the Government canceled some regulatory and other restrictions on economic activity and suspended measures of state supervision (control) over economic activity in order to ensure the stable functioning of economic entities under martial law, protection of rights and interests. The purpose. It will study the characteristics of legal norms regulating state supervision (control) of economic activity in the conditions of martial law, in accordance with the current legislation, and offer proposals for their improvement. Field of application of results. The restriction and removal of certain articles of laws and other restrictions requires additional scientific and theoretical studies and refinement of the current legislation, its introduction of changes and additions taking into account the peculiarities of the legal regime of martial law. Results of the work. Establishment of changes in the conduct of control and supervisory measures during martial law regarding the conduct of unscheduled measures, the delimitation of the powers of control and supervisory bodies, as well as the simplification of the administrative procedure for appealing the results of unscheduled inspections in the event of a violation by the control bodies of the requirements of the law. Conclusions. The implementation of economic activity in the conditions of martial law and the reduction of control and supervisory pressure due to the cancellation of control and supervisory checks can provoke numerous offenses caused by significant risks in the activities of economic entities.

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