
Within the areas of education, pedagogy and psychology, there is a constant conversation about the most appropriate methodologies for favoritism the cognitive development (acquisition of knowledge through the perception) of the human being. It is General consensus that young people's learning of the sciences known as experimental (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.) is greatly facilitated when concepts and phenomenon are approached with an experimental complementation, which proves the model and concepts studied and the perception at the place of the phenomenon addressed, favoring in the end the fixation of knowledge. The project entitled Active Methodology in the Universities, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, from University of Taubaté aims to expand the experiments to other disciplines, so to include the concept of active methodology first to the students of the Department and in the future to help teachers of other institutions. In this way it offers a greater support to the students of the courses of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Production Engineering that as future professionals of the area can, still in the university scope, associate the theoretical concepts with the experimental ones. The Project will always be presented by students linked with the University of Taubaté, either as presenters or even assistants, receiving at the end of each month a certificate of completion.

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