This work gives a clear picture of the geometry of aftershock seismicity in a large thrust earthquake. Interpretation of hypocenters and fault plane solutions, from the 1983 Coalinga, Coast Range California, earthquake sequence, in combination with the three‐dimensional velocity structure shows that the active faulting beneath the fold primarily consists of a set of southwest dipping thrusts uplifting blocks of higher‐velocity material. Above the main listric blind thrust there is a conjugate fault, steeply northeast dipping, that provides the western limit of the aftershocks within the Coalinga Anticline and that corresponds in location and spatial extent with the adjacent Pleasant Valley syncline. The character of the seismicity varies with the degree of previous deformation on each section of the anticline. Where the previous uplift was largest, the shallow seismicity shows secondary faulting on either side of the fold with orientations that correspond to the preexisting geologic structure. Diffuse seismicity characterizes the area with the least previous deformation. The mainshock rupture terminated where the fold trend was no longer uniform but had competing north and west trending features. The upward extent of the mainshock rupture ended at the approximate boundary between Franciscan and Great Valley Sequence rocks. Above that depth the main thrust appears to splay into a steeper segment and a near‐horizontal segment. Thus the extent of rupture area is limited by the area of uniform structural orientation and by the variation in the type of material. With the three‐dimensional velocity model each individual hypocenter moved slightly (0–2 km) in accord with the details of the surrounding velocity structure, so that secondary features in the seismicity pattern are more detailed than with a local one‐dimensional model and station corrections. The overall character of the fault plane solutions was not altered by the three‐dimensional model, but the more accurate ray paths did result in distinct changes. In particular, the mainshock has a fault plane dipping 30° southwest instead of the 23° obtained with the one‐dimensional model.
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