Total drag is mainly composed of skin friction drag, wave drag, and base drag. Drag is a significant effect in any moving vehicle, from automobiles to rockets and planes. Due to the sudden expansion of flow from the nozzle into the bigger duct, a lower pressure is formed in the base region of the larger tube, which results in base drag. The base drag is in charge of reducing the overall thrust generated by moving vehicles, which is a significant task. The purpose of the review paper is to provide a quick overview on active and passive control approaches for increasing base pressure. Expansion levels are essential in regulating Base Pressure. After a certain amount of area ratio, the NPR effect is determined to be minimal. Effectiveness of passive control techniques is limited to a particular range, whereas active control techniques are fairly effective. A few ideas are also discussed in this review, such as the control jets' ability to raise the base pressure value from 160 percent to 400 percent at nozzle pressure ratio 8. The main flow field was unaffected by the addition of an active control. This is critical because any disturbance in the main flow field at high velocities can produce higher oscillations and vibrations, which can lead to material failure if not addressed.
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