
Previous studies have demonstrated an increment of circulating leukocytes and enhanced secretion of interleukin-1 by monocytes and macrophages during physical exercise. In the present study the effect of physical exertion on the activity of polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes was investigated. Following both short-term (running 2,000 meters) and long-term (running 10,000 meters) exertion, phorbol-stimulated chemiluminescence, as an indicator of leukocytic oxygen radical formation and release of leukocytic elastase, as a parameter of degranulation, were determined immediately after running. The number of circulating leukocytes increased both after short-term (+21%) and long-term (+61%) exercise. There was a minor release of PMN elastase following short-term activity causing plasma levels of this compound to rise from 100 +/- 4.0 ng/ml to 116 +/- 12.3 ng/ml. Long-term exercise, on the other hand, induced a significant increase of elastase plasma levels from 107 +/- 9.1 ng/ml to 300 +/- 23.4 ng/ml, suggesting a remarkable release of this proteinase from neutrophils. Based on these findings we conclude that during physical exercise degranulation of PMN leukocytes occurs. Moreover, the fact that phorbol-stimulated chemiluminescence is decreased after running demonstrates an impaired capability of white cells to generate oxygen radicals.

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