
The release of free oxygen radicals and degranulation was studied in neutrophils from 14 patients with adult periodontitis and 14 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The neutrophils were activated by Fc gamma-receptor stimulation, using Staphylococcus aureus opsonized with gamma globulin. Release of oxygen radicals was measured as luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence. Degranulation was assessed as release of elastase, measured with a specific substrate and as release of lactoferrin measured with ELISA. The neutrophils from the patients showed a significantly higher chemiluminescence and a slightly higher release of elastase, whereas the release of lactoferrin was the same in both groups. In contrast, the ratio between the 2 degranulation products, elastase and lactoferrin, was significantly higher in the group with periodontitis. A flow cytometric analysis of the membrane expression of the adhesion molecules CD 11a, CD 11b, CD 15, CD 16, CD 35 and Mel 14 showed no differences in the median immunofluorescence between the 2 groups. This study showed a more than 2-fold higher release of free oxygen radicals from Fc-gamma-receptor stimulated neutrophils compared with healthy controls, which indicates a specific neutrophil-associated host response in adult periodontitis.

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