
Russia’s war against Ukraine necessitated the correction of domestic criminal legislation in this part as well. Law enforcement agencies throughout the country record the commission of a significant number of war crimes by the racist occupiers. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are putting up heroic resistance to the invaders, but ordinary citizens have to independently protect themselves and their loved ones from violence by the Russians. The article substantiates the changes to Part 1 of Art. 36 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Necessary defense is recognized as actions taken with the purpose of protecting public interests and the interests of the state, as well as the legally protected rights and interests of the person being defended, or another person, from a socially dangerous encroachment by causing damage to the aggressor, necessary and sufficient in the given situation to immediately repel or stop the encroachment, if at the same time it was not allowed to exceed the limits of necessary defense”. In accordance with the rules of legislative technique, the need to transfer the amendment provided for in Art. 43-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, after as close as possible to it in terms of Art. 36 with assignment number 36-1. In the context of the naturalness of a person’s right to necessary defense, such a specific manifestation (type) of it as “defense of the Motherland” should be defined as a willful and conscious act of a person, which is determined by the need to repel and contain the armed aggression of any country, other socially positive motives and goals, as well as natural (instinctive) human reactions. Key words: aggression, natural law, protection of the Motherland, right, duty, armed aggression of the Russian Federation, necessary defense, national security, conditions of legality.

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