Coadjoint orbits and multiplicity free spaces of compact Lie groups are important examples of symplectic manifolds with Hamiltonian groups actions. Constructing action-angle variables on these spaces is a challenging task. A fundamental result in the field is the Guillemin-Sternberg construction of Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable systems for the groups K=Un,SOn. Extending these results to groups of other types is one of the goals of this paper.Partial tropicalizations are Poisson spaces with constant Poisson bracket. They provide a bridge between dual spaces of Lie algebras Lie(K)⁎ with linear Poisson brackets and polyhedral cones which parametrize the canonical bases of irreducible modules of G=KC.We generalize the construction of partial tropicalizations to allow for arbitrary cluster charts, and apply it to questions in symplectic geometry. For each regular coadjoint orbit of a compact group K, we construct an exhaustion by symplectic embeddings of toric domains. As a by product we are able to complete the proof of a long-standing conjecture due to Karshon and Tolman about the Gromov width of regular coadjoint orbits. We also construct an exhaustion by symplectic embeddings of toric domains for multiplicity free K-spaces.An essential tool in our study is the dual Poisson-Lie group K⁎ equipped with the Berenstein-Kazhdan potential Φ. Partial tropicalizations arise as tropical limits of K⁎, and the potential Φ defines the range of action variables of a Gelfand-Zeitlin type integrable system. Our results give rise to new questions and conjectures about the Poisson structure of K⁎ and Ginzburg-Weinstein Poisson isomorphisms Lie(K)⁎→K⁎.
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