
Actinic reticuloid is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects elderly individuals and is associated with chronic sun exposure. It is characterized by the presence of papules, plaques, and fine lines that form a reticular pattern on sun-exposed areas, such as the face, neck, and extremities. Histologically, lichenification and dermal alterations are observed, suggesting a chronic response to sun exposure. Actinic reticuloid is often diagnosed clinically, but confirmation may require a skin biopsy. Managing this condition involves measures to protect the skin from the sun, such as the use of sunscreens and protective clothing. Topical and systemic treatments, such as corticosteroids and ultraviolet light therapy, may also be beneficial in some cases. Although the actinic reticuloid is not malignant, its chronic course and the aesthetic changes it produces can have a significant impact on patients' quality of life. Therefore, it is important for doctors to properly recognize and manage this condition in order to provide effective relief to affected patients.

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