The acoustic filter is used to filter unwanted frequencies of oscillations from a power system. It is a network with selective transmission for currents from a power system of varying frequency. The unwanted frequencies generated from a power system are removed by using an operational amplifier with different combination of filter arrangements. A new theory for noise protection and security from power systems is presented. The power systems are classified as per source signals of solar power, electric power, light power, sound power, heat power, fluid power and fire power. The acoustic filters as per source of noise signals are defined. The filters are differentiated as per source signal of unwanted frequencies from solar power, electric power, light power, sound power, heat power, fluid power and fire power. Some examples of noise filtering from power systems are illustrated: i) a vocal apparatus; ii) an airflow window with a photovoltaic solar wall; iii) a psychrometric air-conditioner; iv) a telephone line; v) a fire and smoke detection system; vi) sensors and transducers: energy balance for a human brain and vii) comfort and health. A slide rule for noise measurement is illustrated along with noise grades and flag colors under limiting conditions.
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