
Is it acne or is it not? When this question arises, we can presume that we have crossed the boundaries of “acneiform eruptions” of the face. Although acne may be considered a condition fairly easy to diagnose, it is not rare for the practicing dermatologist or the general physician to wonder when faced with an acneiform eruption before establishing a diagnosis. In this review, we address facial acneiform eruptions in children and in adults, including perioral dermatitis, granulomatous periorificial dermatitis, nevus comedonicus, acne cosmetica, rosacea, demodicosis, folliculitis, acneiform presentation of cutaneous lymphomas, and drug-induced [epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, steroids, etc] acneiform eruptions, along with their diagnosis and therapeutic approaches. The major distinguishing factor in acneiform eruptions is that, in contrast to acne, there are no comedones (whiteheads or blackheads).

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