
The 2018 ACM SIGIR Annual Business Meeting took place on Wednesday July 11, 2018, at the SIGIR'18 Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. The meeting was held between 13:00-14:30 and was led by the chair of SIGIR Executive Committee, Diane Kelly. The meeting started with an introduction to the executive committee, which involves Diane Kelly (University of Tennessee) as the chair, Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam) as the vice chair, Emine Yilmaz (University College London) as the secretary, Ben Carterette (University of Delaware) as the treasurer and Charles Clarke (University of Waterloo) as the past chair. Apart from the executive committee, volunteers play an important role in running SIGIR. Diane introduced and thanked the volunteers for 2017-2018. The volunteers for this period were Nattiya Kanhabua & Guido Zuccon (Information Directors), Jaime Arguello (Student Travel Awards Chair), Craig Macdonald (June Forum Editor), Claudia Hauff (December Forum editor), Falk Scholer (Awards Chair), Laura Dietz (Student Affairs Chair), Yoelle Maarek (Industy Liaison), Jimmy Lin (CIKM Conference Liaison), Sue Dumais (WSDM Conference Liaison) and Edie Rasmussen (JCDL Conference Liaison). The upcoming year is an election year for the SIGIR Executive Committee. As part of this, new elections will be done for the chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer positions. This year the committee also introduces a new volunteer position, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair whose role will be to increase diversity and inclusion at SIGIR. This position will also be filled for the upcoming year. Alistair Moffat will be leading the election process as the Election Official.

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