
Online diagnosis is one of the data services, which can use the machine learning model placed on the cloud and collected physical data from internet of medical things (IoMT) for better medical services. However, the collected user data, diagnosis results and the deployed machine learning model contain sensitive information of users and the healthcare provider, which may lead to serious privacy leakage. To achieve a secure outsourced diagnosis, both high security and low burden for users should be considered. However, the existing works can not solve these problems simultaneously. In this article, based on two non-colluding servers, a privacy-preserving cloud-aided diagnosis scheme for IoMT is proposed. Concretely, a hybrid data encryption method based on homomorphic encryption and AES is used to generate user requests in an efficient way. Besides, we propose a class of secure two-party protocols using homomorphic encryption, such as secure kernel function computation, secure multiplication, and secure comparison, and a privacy-preserving diagnosis scheme based on multi-class SVM with these building blocks is constructed, which can keep users offline in the diagnosis process. Finally, the security analysis and evaluation further illustrate that our scheme is superior to the prior works in terms of security and user-friendliness.

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