
AbstractThe COVID‐19 pandemic has presented Algeria with a slew of issues, including major economic consequences. Despite implementing containment measures, the government has been unable to fully restrict the spread of the virus. To reestablish normalcy and resume economic activities, the government must discover a means to cohabit with the virus, which requires achieving herd immunity. The World Health Organization (WHO) had set a target for 70% of the population to be fully vaccinated by the end of July 2022 in order to achieve herd immunity. However, whereas vaccines are the preferred method for achieving herd immunity, Algeria has only managed to vaccinate 30.2% of its population, with only 13.5% being fully vaccinated, falling significantly short of the vaccination targets set by the WHO. This is due to vaccine hesitancy and a lack of effective vaccine distribution technology. To reach herd immunity levels, the government must gain and maintain public trust in vaccinations and improve vaccine delivery to hard‐to‐reach areas. This paper provides an overview of the current COVID‐19 situation in Algeria, progress made, and challenges toward achieving herd immunity, and recommends solutions for policymakers to develop sustainable interventions.

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