
The research was based on the kaizen implementation in Finca’a sugar factory due to the fact that the factory was considered as the role model within the country following its achievement of earning birr 55.6 million birr from first year result of kaizen implementation. This achievement enables the factory to be the first among Kaizen implementers in 2013, and receive Excellence award from Ethiopian kaizen institute in the same year. The following results for Finca’a sugar factory such as financial, cost reduction, obtaining additional income, decrease down time, defects reduction, re usage of machines and equipments by repairing, increasing labor productivity by reducing time loss for searching for tools, additional space obtained, defect improvement, lead time improvement, clean working environments creation, team work and motivation of workers development, health and occupational safety workers improvement, increasing labor employee participation, knowledge obtained on how to meet quick delivery to reduce costs were studied.

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