
The main aim of the article was to study the secondary school principals’ management skills and how they affect team work in Kenya. Most of the principals in secondary schools in Kenya lack the proper management that they require to create effective teams among the staff members and students. The purpose of the study was to build a simple theoretical framework where efficiency of the management skills in education was studied to discover their effect on improving teamwork and the teachers’ productivity in the school. Most of the principals in secondary schools in Kenya lack the prerequisite management skills that they require so that they can be able to supervise and translate the educational policies and objectives into school programs. The management skills include delegation of duties to other teachers with the rightful talents and abilities. There should be set proper mechanism that encourages open dialogue among the staff members and students. The staff members and students should be motivated to perform to their highest potential. The teachers should be involved in early timely planning of the school programs. All the teachers and students should be treated fairly and impartially regardless of their gender, religion or ethnic background. The study was guided by Bass transformational leadership theory which states that leaders acquire the leadership skills through learning. The study used a qualitative analysis with a non-interactive research design. The study critically analyzed the literature with an outlook of identifying the key management skills that principals and teachers should use to encourage functioning teams in their schools. Team work encourages learning that occurs through dialogue, motivation, delegation of duties, timely planning and impartiality. When the principals have the proper management skills, they are able to organize the teachers and the students to work as a team. This prompts effective implementation of the school programs which leads to improved performance in the set targets. If the management skills are effectively utilized, there may be a clear performance management system and cooperative environment in the school. This may promote the efficiency of the teachers in enhancing schools’ productivity as well as improving its overall performance. The study established the following key recommendations to the government, principals and teachers. The government to ensure that there is a comprehensive policy to equip principals with the proper management skills before being appointed to the leadership posts. It also recommends that principals and teachers should promote teamwork in their schools. This is through delegating duties to the staff members with different talents, allow open dialogue and encourage positive feedback from teachers and students, motivate teachers and students through recognition and physical rewarding and exercise impartiality to all regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnic background. Article visualizations:

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