
The decline in the Aceh Party's seat in the People's Representative Council of North Aceh Regency in the 2019 election was a form of the failure of the Aceh Party in forming its cadres. Votes from 2014-2019 have decreased so that the electability of political parties has also decreased very significantly with the lack of role of legislators in realizing work programs in society. The easiest thing to be assessed by the public in every activity and behavior carried out by political parties is often a barometer in measuring the quality of political parties so that in the process of cadre from the Aceh Party does not meet the electability of a leader. The purpose of this study is to find out how the regeneration pattern of the Aceh Party of North Aceh Regency in facing the 2024 legislative election and the obstacles of the Aceh Party of North Aceh Regency in the cadre recruitment process to face the 2024 legislative election. Method on research on the Qualitative. the object of the research so that it will obtain valid or accurate data related to the Pattern of Local Party Regeneration in the Face of the 2024 Legislative Election in the Aceh Party, North Aceh Regency. The results of the Research Study illustrate that the regeneration pattern carried out by the Aceh Party uses millennials and generation z in seeking support. In addition, it is also intensively promoting with a persuasive approach so that it can increase support in the 2024 election. However, what makes the obstacle occur when regeneration still uses the old strategy of giving it to former GAM combatants who have not served in the government but lack knowledge in government. This makes the pattern of regeneration in the Aceh Party has not been maximized.

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