
Standard 3D interpolation polynomials often suffer from numerical errors of the calculated field and lack of node points in the 3D solution. We introduce a novel method for accurate and smooth interpolation of arbitrary electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the optical axis valid up to 90% of the bore radius. Our method combines Fourier analysis and Gaussian wavelet interpolation and provides the axial multipole field functions and their derivatives analytically. The results are accurate and noiseless, usually up to the 5th derivative. This is very advantageous for further applications, such as accurate particle tracing, and evaluation of aberration coefficients and other optical properties. The proposed method also enables studying the strength and orientation of all multipole field components. To illustrate the capabilities of the proposed algorithm, we present three examples: a magnetic lens with a hole in the polepiece, a saturated magnetic lens with an elliptic polepiece, and an electrostatic 8-electrode multipole.

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